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Shenzhen printing industry development is good

Shenzhen printing to become China's largest printing and packaging city, and an important print export base in China.A large number of overseas medical, food, packaging printing, as well as books and children's books, are printed printing enterprise in shenzhen, shenzhen in the process of China's printing industry walk out, has been a step ahead.

Publishing, shenzhen a total of 2013 public offering of 14 newspaper, journal 37, 2 books publishing house, audio and video publishing house four, electronic publishing company 1, 14 Internet publishing units.Books published in book publishing house in the city of 689 species (including new books 371), total about 10.72 million copies, ministrial 175 million always made goods.In 2013 the city newspaper publishing run -- 727.07 million copies.Internet publishing output value of nearly 35 billion yuan.The city of 26.19 million copies, total about $207 million.Printing industry, in 2013, shenzhen printing enterprises 2430, gross industrial output value of 32 billion yuan, the staff 180000 people.More than 400 printing enterprises undertake the printing more than 50 countries and regions, processing and output value of more than 104 one hundred million yuan.More than 10 enterprises included in the "national top printing enterprise".

Distribution sector, shenzhen a total of 2013 publications wholesale units 86, issuance of 740.487 million yuan;Retail units, 1053, total output value 3.4165 billion yuan.

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